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Titled BEST+Well, this mental health response training presents an essential professional development opportunity for educators who want to support and improve their mental health knowledge and practice evidence-based skills to effectively and appropriately respond to a range of student mental health concerns.

This training will provide the opportunity to learn and practice specific mental health response skills such as identifying and talking with students about observed mental health concerns, communicating empathy and care, identifying signs of suicide, and conducting effective triage and referral so that students are appropriately supported in the school setting. In addition, participants will develop tools to maintain their own mental health and wellbeing in the context of their jobs and prevent burnout and compassion fatigue.

Participants will begin to explore these topics in-person and be provided with the opportunity to engage in continual learning via digital platforms and expert coaching to practice how to BEST respond to student mental health concerns, while maintaining their own occupational and personal WELLness.

The content is divided across four Core Modules (BEST), and one additional, optional module (+Well).

BEST+ Well Modules

Module 1: Broaching Mental Health
Broaching Mental Health: In this module, participants will develop skills in thoughtfully engaging students to appropriately broach a range of observable mental health concerns.
Module 2: Empathy and Relationship Building
Empathy: In this module, participants will learn how to empathetically attend to students with mental health concerns.
Module 3: Signs of Suicide
Signs of Suicide: In this module, participants will learn how to identify signs of suicide and will develop appropriate suicide screenings skills.
4: Triage and Referral
Triage and Referral: In this module, participants will learn how to respond to students struggling with suicide in their classrooms, and will understand how and when to refer students for mental health services. Additionally, participants will develop strategies on how to follow up and support students through their mental health journey.
5: Wellness
Wellness: In this module, participants will learn effective strategies for mitigating compassion fatigue and burnout, and remaining engaged and centered in their occupational and personal spheres.

Curriculum Objectives

This comprehensive training will prepare participants to be effective partners in mental health within their school community. By the end of the training program, participants will be able to:

  • Utilize effective communication skills for broaching mental health with students in an approachable way
  • Identify indicators and risk factors associated with a mental health crisis, including suicide, and how to respond appropriately
  • Identify strategies for building meaningful and sustainable relationships with students dealing with mental health concerns
  • Develop a personal wellness plan to maintain consistent self-care while navigating mental health situations at school/work